Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Ironman Wisconsin Part 2 - Race Day!

2000+ athletes taking their positions.  Start to a gorgeous day!


Quite honestly, I don't remember what time I woke up.  My alarms (all 4 of them) were set for 4, but I'm pretty sure I was up before then, calmly laying in bed.  By some stroke of luck, I was asleep by 10:30 the night before, which is ridiculous!  I am always a nervous wreck the night before a race, even sprints!  I had my typical pre-race breakfast: steel cut oats w/ PB, banana, honey and some almonds.  I also had some tea to get some caffeine in me.  After one final gear check and grabbing my bottles from the fridge I was out the door and off to the square.

Since it had rained the night before I made sure to double check everything on my bike...brakes, gears, bar tape, shifters.  I did not want a preventable mechanical to ruin my day, so I spent more time than usual on my bike by triple checking everything.  After I taped some gels to my bike and got the tires pumped, the remaining 90 minutes before the start was relaxation time.  This was also the time to take care of pre-race business.  Any triathlete will know what I'm referring to ; )


Once I knew everything was in order I made my way to the top of the helix for last minute goodbyes and meeting up with fellow athletes.  After getting my wetsuit on halfway, I decided to just get in the water because the wait was killing me.  The plan was to get to the front of the pack halfway between the inside buoy line and the ramp.  I happened to run into Jason Landretti and Mark Werwie out there, which was awesome.

The start of the IMWI swim is unlike anything I have ever been a part of.  Watching it is one thing, being right in the mix is exactly what you expect.   Chaotic.  Exhilarating.  Loud.  Holy crap was it loud!  I couldn't hear myself think...but at this point I don't think you have to.  Your body goes into autopilot as you're practically swimming on top of people.  I've turned into a fairly decent swimmer so holding my own wasn't too much of a problem.  Sighting was good.  I took a fair amount of elbow and foot beatings, but all in all, it wasn't too bad.  I managed to stay with a group for most of the swim which helped on the back end of the  course because it got a little choppy.  I came out of the water right where I wanted to be.  As you get your bearings and run towards the wetsuit strippers, the crowd is deafening!  Wetsuit came off without a hitch and was starting cruising up the helix!  Probably one of the most fun parts of the course : )

Giving Jodi a high five!  She was one of the few people I actually picked out in the crowd.
T1 went without a hitch.  My roommate Sean waited back so he could help out.  I got my socks, glasses, helmet and race number on, and was off!


My plan was to just stay chill for the first 40 miles of the bike ride.  This was extremely difficult to do because I was getting passed by so many people!  But, I stuck to my plan and told myself I would be seeing most of them around mile 80-100, or on the marathon.  I could write for hours about the bike ride so I'm choosing to go with the notables:  
  • The first loop was INSANELY crowded
  • I had to pee the entire bike ride; also managed to use the restroom on the move for the first time (wasn't the last either...)
  • I had a terrible stomach ache for most of the ride, but my legs felt great!
  • The hills had so much energy from the crowds that they felt easy the entire way through
  • Riding through Verona festival was a blast!
  • Aid stations were awesome
  • By mile 110 I was ready to run and get off of my bike  
T2 went smoothly.  I was in and out in a flash, but made a quick pit-stop for sun screen and a much longer pit-stop to urinate once again.  I didn't feel like I was hydrating too much, but maybe I was with the cooler temps on the day.

Headed back downtown on Syene...feeling great!  Also had an amazing group of friends at this point!


The run.  I cannot say enough about how much I loved this part of the race.  The crowds were amazing, I had friends and family everywhere, and I felt good for nearly the entire 26.2 miles!!!  Part of that is because I seriously busted my ass for this race.  But, I know there was some luck also.  I made a last minute decision to hit the Coke from the very first aid station.  I probably drank about 4-5 oz. of soda every 2 miles, and alternated that with IM Perform and water.  Whenever I felt a cramp I took another salt pill and hit my Powerbar gels every 45 minutes or so.  I think the key is to just go out steady and not overdo it for the first half of the run.  This strategy may not work for everyone, but it sure worked for me this past September.  Also, another Powerbar Team Elite member, Craig, had passed me in the first miles of the run.  He was running strong and I caught a glimpse of him every turn around.  It was awesome motivation to see a fellow teammate out there also having a great day.

I didn't get through that marathon without my fair share of issues.  The bottoms of my feet felt like they were on fire!  Still not sure why, but I wasn't blistering and I knew I could put up with that pain considering everything I had sacrificed to get to that point.  My hamstrings also decided to start cramping up in the final miles which caused me to take a couple stretch breaks, but nothing too terrible.

Running towards Camp Randall on the 2nd loop...starting to feel it at this point.

 I don't want to babble on too much, time to wrap this up.  The highlight of the entire day was obviously crossing that finish line.  But, the build up to that...running around the Capital...not only knowing that I was about to finish a long time goal of mine but that I was well under my goal time, made for a very emotional finish.  I wish I had a split for my last mile because I was flying.  Based on feel alone I know I was running a sub 6:30 pace.  I felt that good!

Headed towards the finish! 

Feeling very exhausted and satisfied post IM!
After crossing I had a bunch of friends there, which was awesome.  Although I felt relatively good, I soon became very cold.  Putting those thermal blankets on is a must!  Once my body calmed down, I devoured everything in sight, got changed and got a massage.  Highly recommend all of those things.  

What better way to finish off my first IM experience?  I got access to the VIP tent at the finish, had food and drink, hung out with good friends and got to watch everyone else finish.  Amazing way to finish the day.   

Here are the numbers:

Swim: 1:04:46
Bike: 5:34:30
Run: 3:38:14
Total: 10:27:51

Very happy with this time, especially considering it was my first attempt at the 140.6 distance.  Next time you see me on the IMWI course will be in September of 2014.  Look out AG 25-29.  I'm coming back with a vengeance!  #Konaorbust!

I also need to add that I couldn't have done this without my coach, Will Smith.  We worked closely throughout the year to make sure everything was on track for this day, I couldn't have asked for a better outcome.  Thanks Will!  Check him out at www.triwillsmith.com 

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