Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Devil Challenge Recap

Sunday was the last tri of the 2013 season and it ended with a bang!  I came through with back to back wins in the WI Tri series!

My plan going into this race was to lay it out on the bike.  The more I race, one thing becomes very apparent...if you can't ride towards the front you'll most likely not be in the hunt for a podium, regardless of how small/big the field is.  This is more or less true across all distances.  So yeah, after talking with Will, the ride was going to be a calculated hammerfest.

Race morning we were greeted with miserable weather.  I don't know what it is about this race, but every time I race Devil's Lake, it seems to be cold and rainy.  My apologies go out to all racers, volunteers and spectators ; )

I made sure to get a solid warm up prior to race start, this was especially important with the cold conditions.  Everything went off without a hitch and I headed to the beach.  When the horn blew I dolphin dove as far out as I possibly could because of the shallow water.  This is much faster than swimming (at least at my swimming level) but really tore my feet up.  The rocky bottom combined with the run to T1 left the bottoms of my feet battered and bruised.  But when the adrenaline is flowing, that doesn't matter!  With one of the faster swim times and the fastest T1 I was out on the bike with the lead.  As exciting as that was it was short lived.  While trying to get my left shoe strapped, it came completely loose, so I had to spend some time going slow trying to fix that.  However, once I was done with that dumb mistake it was game time.  From that point on my head was down.  I quickly took over the lead and didn't look back.

The bike course was slightly different this year due to construction, but it wasn't much easier.  The last 3.5 miles before the turnaround involve a lot of climbing.  When I hit the half way point I knew my best chance at making up time was on the descent.  The roads were wet, but I'm fairly confident with my descending abilities in the rain.  This was no time to let off the gas.  I think I came into T2 with nearly 2 minutes on 2nd place!

Getting my legs loose was my biggest priority at this point, so when my calves were cramped up at the run start I was slightly worried.  Luckily, I had an awesome cheering section at the end of the parking lot and my legs loosened shortly after.  I was running solid until the turn around, at which point I was able to see how big of a lead I had.  2nd-4th place were a decent ways back so I was able to cruise it in the rest of the way.  Rounding the final corner was a ton of fun!  This was my 4th time racing Devil's Challenge, so to take the win was a really nice surprise.  Its amazing how far consistency and dedication can take you.  Big shout out to everyone who raced, the conditions were far from ideal.  Also a big thanks to everyone who stuck it out and cheered.  It was great seeing some close friends at the finish, and my girlfriend Ali!  She made post race much more bearable, even though I was freezing and my clothes were completely soaked.  A BIG thank you : ) It was also great to see Scott, Bobby, Jay and Jordan rock the relay teams division!

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