Wednesday, April 10, 2013

South Shore Half Marathon RR

My first official race of the year!  Here's the recap of the day:

Friend Scott M. and I headed to Milwaukee from the East side of town around 6:30.  Race start wasn't until 9, so we had plenty of time to get there, check in, get warmed up...and take care of the usual business.  I had my standard pre-race breakfast of an english muffin with PB and honey, some tea, and some sports drink.  I later had a banana on the ride to the race site.  Also tried something I recently read about, some chia seeds soaked overnight in water with some honey.  This supposedly helps keep you hydrated.  Didn't seem to hurt so I'll keep tinkering with it : )

Once there, we made sure all of our gear was ready to go.  I also met up with my brother and his girlfriend.  Both of them were running their first race.  13.1 is an aggressive start to running events, but they both finished!  Apparently my brother Tony passed out briefly around mile 11...if you read this, eat something next time!  Ha, but seriously, sounded like low blood sugar.

On to my plan for the race.  My coach Will wanted me to go out conservative for the first 3 miles and build into a solid pace.  Scott was planning to stick with me for as long as possible, so we agreed to start around 6:50-7:00 pace.  The first 3 miles were pretty much right where I wanted to be: 6:55, 6:48; 6:40.  I was feeling really good at this point so I started to build.  My overall goal pace was about 6:30, so I knew I needed to start hitting 6:20 on a consistent basis.  Working towards the turnaround, I was feeling really comfortable and hitting good splits, anywhere in the 6:30 to 6:00 range.

My favorite part of this race was it being the first time I was able to work with a group for an extended period of time.  For the first 40 minutes or so I was slowly gaining on a group of about 7 guys, led by Justin D., the Midwest Newton rep.  Around mile 7 I caught them and decided to stick with them for as long as possible.  Coming back towards the finish was super windy, so this made the final miles a bit easier.  After about 20 min with them I could feel the pace slowing so I decided to push.  Working on my own at this point was tough.  The wind was picking up and I was starting to feel tired.  Luckily, I timed my gels perfectly (20 and 50 mins in) so I was still mentally energized.  At mile 11, 2 guys caught me, so naturally I stuck with them.  With a little more than a mile to go I picked up my pace even more and caught one other guy, who had me worried, because he briefly stuck with me.  I did not want to sprint finish at this point but was prepared to.  He must not have felt as good as I did because I put about 1 min on him during the last half mile.

This is probably the best I have ever felt finishing a running event, so my official time of 1:24:26 had me stoked!  I know I can go faster at this distance with some more speed work.  My watch read 1:24:13, so apparently they didn't do a chip start as stated.  Oh well.  It doesn't change the fact that I had a great race (for me).  This was about a 10 min PR!  WHAT?!  It has been 2yrs since I've run an open 13.1, but I could not be happier with this result.  It was good enough for 5th in my age and 14th OA.  Scott also had a great time with a huge 4 min PR!  Congrats to him!

Lastly, I was really hoping to be rocking some Wattie gear for this race, but it should be here for Crazy Legs.  Still, I was able to rep some Powerbar and K-Swiss gear.  Here's to the 2013 season!